Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Paxton Dar Nicol

Well he is finally here!!! Paxton Dar Nicol was born on June 20, 2009 at 11:23 a.m. He was 7 lbs 3 oz and 19 inches long. He is doing really well! He has jaundice and is on a bili-light bed for a few days but other than that is wonderful! He is a really calm baby so far which is so wierd for Darren and me because Harley was born high maintenance! Sandy was wonderful and came down to help us with Harley for a few days so thanks so much Grandma Sandy!! Harley absolutely adores Grandma Sandy! (It can't be that she spoils her at all can it ;) We've also had so much help from our friends, neighbors and ward members so thank you all for all your help, love and prayers! We couldn't have done it without any of you!

Monday, June 8, 2009


So no pics of cute little miss Harley Jeanne this time- I've been a bit preoccupied... on bedrest for the last 3 weeks. I've done relatively well as far as boredom and such, but today it really got to me- not really the boredom part, its the part where my daughter hates me.No really, she screams when I try to comfort her or if I try to hold her (even when I know I'm not supposed to). She's turned into quite the daddy's girl which is way cute, but frustrating too because she really wants nothing to do with me. I can't really blame her considering I can't give her the attention she wants and deserves and that there's no way of her understanding why mom is laying on the couch or in bed and is there, but not really there for her. Today it really broke my heart, and I know that pregnancy hormones doesn't help, but I thought I was being strong about it and really understanding about why she's acting the way she is, but I can't help but feel hurt and angry today that there is absolutely nothing I can do to help her in any way. I really hope she comes to forgive me when this is all said and done, although the adjustment of a new baby brother isn't going to help much either. Only five more weeks to go unless Paxton decides he's had enough (I know I have ;)) and comes sometime soon. Don't mean to have an annoying post, just needed to vent :) I'll let you all know how everything goes!